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- Emory University
Institutional Review Board
1599 Clifton Rd. NE
Atlanta, GA 30322
Mailstop: 1599-001-1AV
Business Hours:
- Mon - Fri 8 am - 5 pm
- Closed Emory holidays
- General inquiries:
- "Does my study need IRB review?" inquiries: use our determination tool
- Study-specific inquiries: You may contact your study analyst directly.
- For Education/Outreach questions, Complaints from study participants, Compliance, and Adverse Event issues, please contact the Education and Quality Assurance Team.
Phone or Virtual Consultation:
- To contact our staff with any study-specific or general questions, please use the "Book time to meet with me" link below and in their bio.
Rebecca Rousselle, BA, CIP
Assistant Vice President for the Human Research Protection Program
Carol Corkran, MPH, CIP
Assistant Director
Shara Karlebach, WHNP-BC, CIP
Associate Director, Education & QA Team
Julie Martin, RN, M.Ed., CIP
Assistant Director, Reliance Team
Kennedy Files, MPH
Research Protocol Analyst
Aaliyah Guillory, MPH
Research Protocol Analyst
Jennifer Hardrick
Research Protocol Analyst
Michelle Kalbeitzer, MSIOP
Research Protocol Analyst
Patricia Leslie, MS
Research Protocol Analyst
Jennifer Lindsley, BA
Research Protocol Analyst
Ksenia Lyon, MPA, CIP
Senior Research Protocol Analyst
Jackson Parker, BA, CIP
Lead Research Protocol Analyst
Anisha Thompson, MPH, CIP
Lead Research Protocol Analyst
Skyler Tordoya, BS, CIP
Research Protocol Analyst
Hyun Yang, PhD
Research Protocol Analyst
Chelsea Cassara, BS
Research Protocol Analyst, Reliance Team
Beth Poplaski, CIP
Reliance Specialist
Sherry Queen, Au.D.
Research Protocol Analyst, Reliance Team
Joy Shugart, M.Ed., CIP
Research Protocol Analyst, Reliance Team
Leslie Cahill
QA and Education Senior Research Protocol Analyst
Briana Rotterman, MA, MS, CIP
QA and Education Research Protocol Analyst
- For Education/Outreach questions, Complaints from study participants, Compliance, and Adverse Event issues, please contact the Education and Quality Assurance Team.
- For questions regarding the Reliance Agreement, Multi-Site or Collaborative Research, please contact the Reliance Team.
- Please leave us a message with your questions, and we will respond within the next business day. Leaving repeated messages may delay our response.
- If you cannot reach anyone and have an urgent matter, you may call the central line at 404-712-0720 or our toll-free number at 1-877-503-9797.