Study Submission Guidance

Before submitting in eIRB, review our eIRB smartform helpful tips. 

View eIRB Smartform Help

Additionally, here are helpful submission tools and templates.

Access our current templates for Informed Consent Forms, HIPAA authorizations, and Assents.

For informed consent guidance, including the use of electronic Informed Consent, visit Consent Instructions and Guidance.

Ancillary reviewers (including department reviewers): watch this video to know how to submit your reviews

For instructions on which ancillary reviews are required (e.g. biosafety, radiation safety, department review, etc...), please see the section "Overview: Submitting a Study in eIRB" on our New Study Application panel on page-level help.

Please see the "Clinical Study Initiation" section.

Community engagement is vital to ensure the recruitment of all populations, especially those that are marginalized or who do not participate in research for lack of trust.

Emory has a great partner in the Georgia CTSA, who provide guidance and resources to ensure that participation in research is more equitable.

These policies are the basis for the required language you find in our consent form templates.

For studies taking place at Emory, please see these Emory OIT resources: 

For studies taking place at Children's Healthcare, Please complete Children's Research Risk Assessment Intake Form. This routes directly to the Children's teams and they will reach back out to the requestor for consultation. For further information, please see Children's Information Security Risk Assessment Process Document.  If you have questions, please contact Carol Price at ( or Jonathan Park (

For studies taking place at Grady: Please email the device and data use information to the Grady Executive Director Tom Beaver, at for his review and approval. Upload the email in the study history for our records.

Grady Security Review would be needed if: 

  • Grady data is going to be exported from Grady managed applications for use outside of Grady direct control
  • Users that don’t have access to the required research data as part of their everyday responsibilities at Grady will need access to this data
  • New application(s) will need to be installed in the Grady environment to support research activity
  • Devices that are not under direct Grady IT management need to be installed on the Grady network in support of research activity
  • Any changes to an existing research project that meets the criteria listed above
The list above is not exhaustive and is provided as a guideline. Please reach out to Tom Beaver with any questions or concerns. 

Every study requires a plan with some level of data and safety monitoring. Monitoring, an ongoing process of overseeing the progress of a study from start to finish, is a quality control tool for determining whether study activities are being carried out as planned and whether there are any unexpected safety concerns. Monitoring enables study teams to identify and correct any deficiencies in the conduct, record keeping, or reporting. The Data and Safety Monitoring Plan (DSMP) should be based on a risk assessment of critical data and processes that are necessary for human participant protection and integrity of the investigation

A study that involves no more than minimal risk will require a plan to protect data and ensure the safety and confidentiality of research participants. A study that involves more than minimal risk (reviewed at the full board) will have additional requirements depending on the level of complexity.  The IRB will consider the level of risk and burden a participant may experience in a study when determining additional requirements for a plan.

After reviewing the complexity of a study, the IRB will require the following for medium and high-complexity studies:

  • Data Safety Monitoring Plan (DSMP): Must include a plan for both (1) review of participant safety, welfare; and data integrity; and (2) site monitoring conducted by a person independent from the study, ensuring data accuracy and protocol compliance.
    • (1) Review of participant’s data for safety, welfare, and to ensure data integrity: Study teams should have a process to review data during initial data collection.
    • (2) Site Monitoring: study teams should have a process to ensure that the study is following the protocol, including a review of study procedures, study intervention, and data collection processes.
      • For high-complexity studies, monitoring should be conducted by a designated study monitor, an experienced, knowledgeable person who is, ideally, independent of the study team. The responsibility for site monitoring may be delegated by the study sponsor to a Contract Research Organization (CRO).
      • For medium-complexity studies, the IRB may approve a site monitoring plan via self-monitoring. Click here for a Self-Assessment Tool

High-complexity clinical trials with international sites
Besides all the above, as applicable, these studies are required to engage a CRO working in the study country, and/or to consult with legal counsel regarding compliance with the country’s clinical research regulations.

Related Guidance

Guidance and FAQs

Worksheets and Forms

For information about research with students and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), please access the Emory IRB Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Guidance and Worksheet (DOCX).

Access additional links to other Emory Offices' FERPA policies at FERPA

Externally funded: EPEX is required. See OSP site for additional guidance. 

Federal funding: There are requirements related to federal funding. All submission related federal funding needs to be reported in the IRB submission. The complete grant application should be uploaded.  

If there are multiple performance sites, then single IRB requirements may apply. Contact the reliance listserv at See our collaborative research page for more information.

Immediate source of funding may not be a federal agency, but funding could be a pass-through award, and federal funding requirements would still apply.

Complete grant must include

  • Grant Cover Sheet
  • Performance Sites
  • Research/Project Summary and Narrative
  • Research Plan and Research Aims/Strategy
  • Human Subjects (“Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information”)

Aims and objectives should align with the protocol.


General modification submission instructions are found here: Modification page-level help

If you or a colleague have a new grant, please use this guidance before trying to add it to an ongoing IRB-approved study:

Please also note that Supplements and Competing Renewals need to be submitted to the IRB as well, along with corresponding updates to the protocol and/or consent form as needed. Supplements may or may not need to be submitted as new IRB protocols instead. Please see the guidance above for connecting new grants to existing protocols. 
