Reviewer Checklists and Other Guidance
- Reviewer Presentation Tool for New Study (DOCX)
- Continuing Review Checklist (PDF)
- Criteria for Approval (PDF)
- Criteria for Approval-VA (PDF)
- Informed Consent Checklist (DOC)
- DSMP checklist (DOCX) (New)
- Guidance: Pending or Deferred (PDF)
- Guidance: Reviewing Research Involving Adult Participants with Diminished Decision Capacity (PDF)
- Procedural Risk Guidance
Please see the Reportable New Information section of the IRB website for guidance documents regarding protocol deviations, potential noncompliance or unanticipated events, and related matters.
- Dietary Supplements FAQ (DOCX)
- Dietary Supplements and/or Medical Foods Worksheet (DOCX)
- Guidance for Emory Sponsor-Investigators (PDF)
- HUD Patient Information Sheet (DOCX)
- Investigational Drugs and Devices (DOC)
- Investigator Justification for IDE Exemption
- Investigator Justification for IND Exemption (DOCX)
- In Vitro Diagnostic Device Studies Guidance (PDF)
- Emory IRB Medical Device Guidance (PDF)
- Emory IRB Decision chart for Devices used in Human Subject Research Studies (PDF)
- Emory IRB Decision Chart for Drugs Used in Human Subject Research Studies (PDF)
- S-I study review guidance (PDF) - NEW
- Certificates of Confidentiality for Members- Guidance from NIH
- Code of Federal Regulations 45 CFR 46 Basic HHS policy for protection of research subjects