A training program is required of prospective members to ensure that they have a solid foundation in theory, regulations, and practical skills before engaging in service with the Emory IRB.
The new-member orientation includes the following: observation of an Emory IRB meeting; participation in a training session on IRB Policies and Procedures; completion of the CITI online training program (if not currently certified); and attendance at a hands-on eIRB training session.
Once the training steps noted above are complete, the Vice President for Research Administration at Emory will sign an appointment letter.
Members are encouraged to contribute comments to the discussions and to demonstrate respect for each other's opinions
Members are expected to review all applications on the agenda, whether assigned as primary/secondary reviewer or not.
For more information on becoming an Emory IRB member, please contact Rebecca Rousselle.
Member Participation is Equally Valued
IRB members are selected to ensure a diverse set of perspectives and expertise appropriate to the kinds of research under review.
Each member, including Vice Chairs and Co-Chairs, gets one vote.
The role of the non-scientist member is so important as a counterweight to the abundance of scientist members that federal rules require a non-scientist member to participate in every convened IRB meeting.
The role of the member unaffiliated with Emory is likewise so important as a counterweight to the majority, who are affiliated, that Emory policy requires an unaffiliated member to participate in every convened IRB meeting. Often the unaffiliated member is also a non-scientist; in this case, both requirements for a quorum are met.
Tips for Successful Review
Allow adequate time for review prior to the meeting
Communicate with the facilitator and/or analysts regarding questions, concerns, or conflicts