
  • Expectations for Committee Members (PDF)
  • A training program is required of prospective members to ensure that they have a solid foundation in theory, regulations, and practical skills before engaging in service with the Emory IRB.
  • The new-member orientation includes the following: observation of an Emory IRB meeting; participation in a training session on IRB Policies and Procedures; completion of the CITI online training program (if not currently certified); and attendance at a hands-on eIRB training session.
  • Once the training steps noted above are complete, the Vice President for Research Administration at Emory will sign an appointment letter.
  • Members are encouraged to contribute comments to the discussions and to demonstrate respect for each other's opinions
  • Members are expected to review all applications on the agenda, whether assigned as primary/secondary reviewer or not.
  • For more information on becoming an Emory IRB member, please contact Rebecca Rousselle.

Member Participation is Equally Valued

  • IRB members are selected to ensure a diverse set of perspectives and expertise appropriate to the kinds of research under review.
  • Each member, including Vice Chairs and Co-Chairs, gets one vote.
  • The role of the non-scientist member is so important as a counterweight to the abundance of scientist members that federal rules require a non-scientist member to participate in every convened IRB meeting.
  • The role of the member unaffiliated with Emory is likewise so important as a counterweight to the majority, who are affiliated, that Emory policy requires an unaffiliated member to participate in every convened IRB meeting. Often the unaffiliated member is also a non-scientist; in this case, both requirements for a quorum are met.

Tips for Successful Review

  • Allow adequate time for review prior to the meeting
  • Communicate with the facilitator and/or analysts regarding questions, concerns, or conflicts